Mike Watson
From the begining...
At 13, I decided that playing guitar was the one thing that I wanted to pursue for the rest of my life. Aside from the fact that my next door neighbor was the sole contributor to my playing guitar, he was the only person that I have ever taken a lesson from. Having not taken lessons, I have learned through the years by ear
alone. From New York to North Carolina I have been blessed with being able to acquaint myself with some quality musicians, devoted fans and just the best all around Rock and Rollers one can ask for. From Savage, Heathen, Rapson’s Mob, Buttcrust, and Fanatic to Rocco’s Collar and finally 454, the years have been Kick Ass!! “Playing live is what it is about for me! Give me a patch of dirt and an extension cord and I'm good!” "It also helps having great musicians who are also friends to do it with"
“Love to Live Live!”